Small Towns Burn A Little Slower

It has been quite the run for the Minneapolis-based Small Towns Burn A Little Slower since their humble beginnings in the summer of 2002. Hell, quite the run would be an understatement. It has been one helluva run for Small Towns Burn A Little Slower. One helluva run, indeed. From their inception as a three-piece power trio, to their now fully-realized five-piece assault, Small Towns, who have always relied on a very DIY work ethic, are finally garnering the attention of fans and music critics far and wide - not to mention a little New York-based label known as none other than Triple Crown Records. You know, the label that birthed the likes of Hot Rod Circuit and Brand New and continues to sign reputable act after reputable act.

Now, don't go thinking this seemingly sudden success hasn't been deserved. It's not like Small Towns didn't release a contagious-as-all-sin five-song EP for punk upstart Rise Records, recorded on nothing more than a shoe-string budget in a St. Paul basement. And then tour the entire country on a budget that was much less, all the while having major van problems, dodging hurricanes, and strings of less-than-redeeming shows. Somehow, they found a way to keep going, playing show after show, eventually selling out of said EP whilst on tour. Success well deserved. And just think: this is only the beginning of what seems to be a very bright future.

Small Towns Burn A Little Slower are on the brink of recording their debut full-length with renowned producer Ed Rose (Get Up Kids, Appleseed Cast, Casket Lottery), which Triple Crown will release sometime in 2005. Then they'll tour in droves and only hope for more of the success they have already garnered. Let the run continue. Alternative Press is calling 'em one of the "100 Bands You Should Know About" in 2005. And why wouldn't they?

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